- +91-93102 12429
- dr.amitrrmehta@yahoo.in
- H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7, Dwarka, Delhi-110075
Gestational Diabetes Management
Gestational Diabetes (GD) is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy generally between the 24th and 28th week. Although GD does not lead to chronic diabetes and usually goes away after the delivery however in several cases it can also develop into type 2 diabetes. However, even if it is not permanent in most cases, it is certainly something to be careful about as it could lead to many other complications in the pregnancy such as:
Macrosomia: Babies born to mothers with uncontrolled gestational diabetes are at risk of growing larger than average. This condition, known as macrosomia (Large Birth Weight), can lead to complications during delivery.
- Birth Trauma: The risk of injury during delivery increases with macrosomia, as larger babies may have difficulty passing through the birth canal.
Risks for the Baby:

- Hypoglycemia: Infants born to mothers with GD may experience low blood sugar levels shortly after birth, as their own insulin production increases in response to the mother’s high glucose levels during pregnancy.
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Babies born to mothers with GD may have an increased risk of respiratory distress syndrome, a condition where the baby’s lungs are not fully developed.
- Jaundice: There is an elevated risk of jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, in infants born to mothers with gestational diabetes.
- Development of Type 2 Diabetes: Babies born to mothers with GD may have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
Risks for the Pregnant Woman:
- Preeclampsia: Women may have an increased risk of developing preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and potential damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys.
- Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Women who have had GD are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
- Cesarean Section: The risk of needing a cesarean section (C-Section) is higher for women with gestational diabetes, particularly if the baby is large.
- Hypoglycemia: The pregnant woman may experience low blood sugar levels, especially if diabetes management is not well-controlled.
- Increased Risk for Future GD: Women who have had gestational diabetes in one pregnancy have an increased risk of developing it in subsequent pregnancies.
Causes and Risk Factors
During pregnancy, the body becomes more resistant to insulin, the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. This resistance can lead to elevated blood sugar levels. Apart from this, there are many other factors like a family history of diabetes that can increase the risk of GD during pregnancy even though the woman might not be diabetic before pregnancy. If the woman is above the age of 25 and especially over 35, then the chances of acquiring gestational diabetes. Apart from all of these obesity and lack of physical activity are also two of the major causes for GD.
- Unusual thirst
- Frequent urination
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Blurred vision
- Vaginal, bladder & skin infections
Gestational Diabetes Management in Homeopathy
The homeopathic treatment for gestational diabetes adopts a comprehensive holistic approach. It relies on the principle that an ailment represents a complete affliction of the body. Additionally, homeopathy recognizes the importance of fundamental causes, such as genetic and inherited factors, which serve as the roots of any ailment. The homeopathic remedies prescribed for gestational diabetes aim to treat the disease without inducing any adverse side effects.
As a leading premium homeopathic clinic, Swaran Homeoepathic provides constitutional homeopathic treatment for diabetes. This approach takes into account the patient’s symptoms and physical conditions. The treatment aims to regulate sugar levels and addresses the underlying causes, stimulating insulin secretion and promoting insulin utilization by the cells.
Typically, gestational diabetes is diagnosed through a glucose tolerance test, which measures how the body processes sugar.
Management involves lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise. In some cases, insulin or other medications may be prescribed.
While it cannot always be prevented, maintaining a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy can help reduce the risk.
Gestational diabetes may increase the likelihood of needing a cesarean section, particularly if there are concerns about the baby’s size.
Homeopathy is known for its holistic approach and lack of side effects. During pregnancy, it becomes even more important to consider the side effects of any medicine as it might affect longterm for the baby.
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Disclaimer: We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before using any external or internal medications.
At SWARAN Homoeopathic, we have helped numerous patients fix their chronic disorders using natural and side-effect-free herbal homeopathy remedies. Given our historic backing and the homeopathic-based treatment methodology adopted, we are here to give you all forms of assurances for a safe and effective treatment.
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- +91-93102 12429
- dr.amitrrmehta@yahoo.in
H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7
Dwarka, Delhi-110075
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