- +91-93102 12429
- dr.amitrrmehta@yahoo.in
- H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7, Dwarka, Delhi-110075
Asthma Treatment
Asthma (also known as bronchial asthma) is a chronic disease that affects the functioning of the lungs by impacting airways by making them inflamed and narrowed at times which will make it harder for the person to breathe.
It can prove to be a very serious illness for many people depending upon the intensity and frequency of the attacks.
As per the Global Asthma Report 2022 presented by Global Asthma Network, about 35 million people suffer from asthma in India, with a prevalence of 2.4% in adults aged >15 years, and between 4% and 20% in children.
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it is likely to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Common triggers and risk factors for developing asthma include Genetics, Environmental Allergens, Respiratory Infections, Occupational Exposures, Tobacco Smoke, Air Pollution, Physical Activity, Certain Medications, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
It’s important to note that asthma triggers can vary among individuals, and not everyone with these risk factors will develop asthma.

- Shortness of Breath
- Chest Tightness
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Fatigue
- Respiratory Infections
Classifications of Asthma
Asthma can be categorized into various types using different criteria. The commonly employed classifications include:
Severity-Based Classification:
Asthma can be classified as mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, or severe persistent, depending on the frequency and severity of symptoms.
Trigger-Based Classification:
Asthma can be categorized as allergic (triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or animal dander) or non-allergic (triggered by factors like exercise, cold air, or respiratory infections).
Age of Onset-Based Classification:
Asthma can be identified as childhood-onset asthma (develops before the age of 12) or adult-onset asthma (develops after the age of 12).
Treatment Response-Based Classification:
Asthma can be classified as eosinophilic (responds well to corticosteroid treatment) or non-eosinophilic (does not respond well to corticosteroid treatment).
Homeopathic Treatment For Asthma
Off-the-counter medicine for asthma is only effective for a shorter period and might not be the best course of action to take in terms of the treatment of asthma. On the other hand, Homeopathic treatment for asthma is well-known for its gentle, effective, and safe approach. It is non-addictive and free of side effects. In asthma cases, various top homeopathic medicines are available. This asthma treatment method activates the body’s natural healing mechanisms through the immune and nervous systems. This holistic approach adeptly addresses both acute and chronic asthma symptoms.
A notable benefit of homeopathic asthma medicine is its suitability for individuals of all ages, including infants and the elderly, as long as a qualified homeopathic doctor prescribes it.
Homeopathic remedies for asthma stand out as the safest and one of the best options, sourced from nature, exceptionally effective, and devoid of side effects. Suitable for individuals of any age, from infants to the elderly, and for all genders.
During an asthma episode, you may experience coughing, wheezing, and breathing challenges. An asthma exacerbation, marked by swollen and inflamed airways, leads to narrowed bronchial tubes. This constriction results from the muscles around the airways contracting and an increased production of mucus.
Yes, individuals with asthma face an increased vulnerability to asthma exacerbations triggered by rising temperatures and intensified storms. Studies suggest a potential link between asthma and climate change. The constriction of airways, known as bronchoconstriction, can be induced by dry or cold air.
Though asthma is a persistent condition lacking a known cure, effective management and control are achievable through appropriate medical care and lifestyle adjustments. Symptom relief and management can be supported by the use of homeopathic medicines and nebulizers.
Asthma, while incurable, is manageable with natural and side-effect-free homeopathic medicines. These remedies not only relieve symptoms but also address the root cause. Common prescriptions include Arsenic Album, Antimonium Tart, Spongia Tosta, Ipecac, and Natrum Sulfur. Consult with Dr. Amit Mehta‘s qualified homeopathic respiratory specialist for personalized treatment.
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Disclaimer: We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before using any external or internal medications.
At SWARAN Homoeopathic, we have helped numerous patients fix their chronic disorders using natural and side-effect-free herbal homeopathy remedies. Given our historic backing and the homeopathic-based treatment methodology adopted, we are here to give you all forms of assurances for a safe and effective treatment.
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Contact Info
- +91-93102 12429
- dr.amitrrmehta@yahoo.in
H-649/650 Palam extn, Sector-7
Dwarka, Delhi-110075
© 2024 Swaran Homoeopathic